Agricultural Products


Agricultural Products

What is Spray Magic?

50 % to 70 % of solution do not reaches to the site of action and spreads in environment. The loss of agro chemical occurs due to improper spray resulting into half coverage of the plant, Agro chemicals skips off the leaves due to oily layer, lack of sticking on the plant and lack of plant penetration. Most of the times agro chemicals get washed due to rain water. Due to these reasons the expensive agro chemicals are lost in the environment.

  1. Non ionic wetter, super spreader, penetrant and surfactant.
  2. Produces rain fastness more qickly than typical surfactants.
  3. Superior leaf wetting, spreading, & penetration.
  4. Increases effectiveness of agro products.
  5. Increases soil wetting and maximizes effectiveness of soil fertilizers. Enhance penetration, wetting & spreading of broad range of agro chemicals via stomata. Better spray coverage, within less water and agro chemicals. 

What is Nutri On?

Nutri-On from ON & ON agro is the solution for nutrients, the plant require during its growth stage which are missing from the soil today. It is a unique technology for quality crop production without any harmful effect on soil or on the yield. It assures balanced nutrition at different stages of the plant growth. Nutri-On pack consists of two products viz. Soil On & Plant On.

Plant On provides various nutrients at all stages of plant growth and Soil ON provides right porosity, aeration and power to hold vital elements to the soil. The double action formula works through Plant root as well as leaves for nutrient delivery right at the time when needed. It enables plant to absorb nutrient & growth promoting molecules from foilage and rhizome. It acts as stress buster and is useful for germination, vegetative growth and helps reproductive growth of the plant so as to get better quality and quantity of the agricultural yield.

  • Unique 4 stage treatment which can be mixed with chemical as well as bio pesticides & bio fertilizers.
  • It acts as catalyst for various soil bio chemical and microbial reactions.
  • Improves beneficial microflora soil.
  • Prepares soil for better plant & crops.
  • Helps crop to gain maximum yield, increases speed of seed germination process.
  • Supports various enzymic reactions during growth, ensures healthy flowering, enhances immune system & facilitates nutrient flow.
  • It can be mixed with chemical as well as bio pesticides, bio fertilizers.
  • It is safer to environment and human being.  


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